
[스크랩] 인생의 의미- Sandra Bierman

세수다 2014. 9. 11. 07:22



Sandra Bierman



Tranquility IV




인생의 의미


나는 이런 목적을 가지고

인생을 즐긴다.


나에게 있어서 인생은

곧 꺼져버릴 촛불이 아니라

일종의 찬란한 횃불이다.


이 횃불을

다음 세대에 넘겨주기 전에
내가 들고있는 순간만은


가능한 한
최대로 밝게 빛나게 하고있다.

- 조지 버나드 쇼 -






Circle of Light 20x24


Blue Cat 20x24


Cats Under Table 24x20


The Vigil I




Letting Go



Tea Ceremony




Circle of Light II


Goddess: Charity




Eve-The Pear 24x20


Eve-Great Expectation I 24x20


The Advice



Sandra Bierman,


grandmother of five, was born 1938 in Brooklyn, New York,

but from age 4 grew up in Oklahoma, Texas and Maryland.

Her father was a Swedish immigrant and her mother a Texas farm girl.

She was nurtured as a child by her part-Cherokee grandmother.

Art scholarships began at age 11. Sandra is married to retired physics professor Arthur Bierman,

and they have lived in Boulder, Colorado since 1988.

Her oils are widely collected and are published and distributed worldwide.

Influences: 16th Century Italian masters, Mexican masters, Chinese and Japanese classical art.



Dance of Spring 24x20


The Secret


Family of Light III


Mother & Child IV


Poppy Gardener I


The Pear 24x20



Great Expectations 20x24


Eve: In the Garden 24x20


Poppy Gardener


Spirit of Spring 20x24


The Emerald Cat (에메랄드빛 고양이) / Sandra Bierman


The Gray Cat 2 (회색 고양이 2) / Sandra Bierman


The Tranquility (평온) / Sandra Bierman


Woman with red hair (붉은 머리 여인) / Sandra Bierman


The Hug(포옹) / Sandra Bierman



이 그림의 제목은 'The Healing (치유)'입니다.

화가인 Sandra Bierman은 분명 반려동물...

특히 고양이가 주는 치유의 힘을 잘 알고 있고 직접 느껴본 사람임이 틀림없습니다


Girl in the wind (바람 속의 소녀) / Sandra Bierman



Bountiful (한아름) / Sandra Bierman


Kwang & Jung's Blog)


출처 : Kwang & Jung`s Blog
글쓴이 : Kwang & Jung 원글보기
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